Lately I have been driving myself crazy trying to read up on the h1n1 virus. It seems to be the only thing being talked about on the television, as well as the hot topic all over the internet.
I am that crazy woman you all see at Wal-Mart with a container of Clorox Wipes diligently wiping down the WHOLE shopping cart. I am the woman that is trying to wipe her kids hands with germ x as they are reaching out touching any and every little thing in the store that they can get their little hands on even though Mommy warned them before entering the store that we do NOT want to touch anything because a lot of people are sick and we don’t want to get their sickie germs. I am that woman who you are standing behind wishing that she would just make up her mind and grab a bottle of vitamins already so you can get by her and get the bottle that you already know you want but can’t reach! Yep, that’s me! I’m overprotective and hate a family full of sick kids (not to mention a sick hubby!) When one gets sick they ALL get sick! When Mommy is sick the world continues like nothing has changed and we all go on about our normal routines (Mommy included) but when anyone else in the family is sick it’s like a train just smashed into something and everything has come to a crazy halt.
I have recently boycotted going to fast food restaurants. Not forever, but at least for a little while while this crazy bug is going around. It seems that everyone I know is dealing with some sort of yucky flu bug, and they all have different symptoms. There was even a local school that closed for a day because so many kids were sick. My thinking is that people are contaigous and I don’t want those germs in my food. But today I had to make a quick trip to Wal-Mart (which I dread doing this time of year with the flu and other bugs going around-I told you I was crazy!) But, we loaded up (the younger 2 boys and I) and headed to Wally World. When we left my 4 year old was mad at me for not letting him see the fish (which are all the way on the other side of the store and we were in a hurry because I had to get him back home before preschool.) Anyways, back to what I was getting at…he was mad at me and started to complain that he was hungry (even though he ate a little before we left the house) and the only thing that was going to make him better was Sonic. Of course Sonic would make him better! Sonic always makes Mommy better! So I gave in and we ate lunch at Sonic. I scoped the place out…there was only one car in the whole parking lot, so I knew there couldn’t have been too many germs since there was only one person working. I’m sure that one person was probably the sick one though knowing my luck! (In case you don’t know my luck it really isn’t that great! I could go on and on about how I have bad luck quite often, but I won’t bore you.) Anyways, we had Sonic and it was yummy and I will NOT tell the older boys and hope that I hid the evidence deep in the trash can good enough that they won’t find out. ๐ (Mean Mommy!)
So, while we are talking about fast food…I’m thinking that by boycotting the fast food I may actually be onto something. I’m thinking this could really help me lose some weight! I know, of course it could, but it’s just so hard to not cave into temptation of swinging through a fast food restaurant and picking up a bite to eat so you don’t have to slave over a stove for an hour and then serve food up for 5 others while they all eat and finally sit to eat yourself once everyone has finally finished their meal. You know what I’m talking about? Of course you do! ๐
That brings me to this morning…
I get up and grab a shirt that I had set out to wear this morning. I go to put the shirt on and notice that it is a bit snug. So, what do I do? I play tug of war with the darn thing! You can’t tell me you have never done this…right? Well, let’s just say you have and move on! ha ha! ๐ Don’t worry, I won the tug of war and the shirt is now my size again, or close! (I’m going to say the dryer shrunk it and leave it at that…ok? My kids can’t possibly be right about Mommy’s butt being big..nah!)
So, I’m wondering what you all think about the h1n1. Are you worried? What are you doing to keep from getting sick? Will you get your family vaccinated? Will you get the shot or the mist if you do? I know this is a touchy subject for some, but I can handle so bring it on! ๐ (Just kidding! I really do want to know what everyone is thinking and planning on doing.)
Oops…Editing to add this little bit…I almost forgot to mention that my blog was listed as one of the 100 Best Blogs for Healthy Parents at Online Nursing Programs.Net. This was very exciting for me! You can view the post HERE