Today I have spent a lot of time on the couch. I haven’t been feeling well, so I have spent a lot of time just laying around and thinking. I have one child home sick with pneumonia (he’s ok though and to be quite honest I was surprised he was diagnosed with pneumonia because I didn’t think he seemed that sick. The doc says he can go back to school tomorrow as long as he is fever free.) I have another child home sick with an upset stomach and cold (I wasn’t taking any chances when he said he was sick, and he was so whiney and crying this morning, so I let him go back to sleep.) My baby’s nose is running like a leaky faucet, however he seems to be pretty happy today. I think he has a mixture of a cold and teething. So, needless to say, we have yet another sickness in our home and are taking some time to relax. While my house might not be in tip top shape at the moment (who wants to clean while sick?) my children are being cared for and we are getting our rest. Oh, and Daddy is away on a business trip, but on his way home tonight! (Yay!)
So, as I’m sitting here thinking I’m starting to question things like…
Am I doing what is best for my kids? Am I raising them in the best place? Are they getting the best education? Should I be doing things differently?
Have you ever asked yourself these questions?
Recently I have come to learn about a lot of not so good things that have been going on in neighboring towns. I won’t go into detail, but will say that I am hearing more and more about drugs, alcohol and a lot of bullying that is going on in schools. (The drugs and alcohol are not in the schools, but in the towns in general.) I keep hearing about parents allowing children to drink in their homes. While I feel like I teach my children well, I don’t know how they will respond when at their friends houses when they are older. It scares me. (Can you tell I have anxiety?)
Another thing is schools. I am so torn about where my children should attend school. They are in a local public school that is quite small and they seem to be getting a pretty good education, however I always wonder if they could be getting an even better education someplace else. They often come home saying and doing things that I do not allow in my home. When I ask them where they are getting this the answer is always from kids at school. The name calling and bullying in schools is getting way out of hand. Not that my children are being bullied, but the things that they are telling me. I really try to enforce to them that this is not ok and I believe that they are taking this in. I am just not sure what ever happened to parenting your child? What are parents thinking these days? My children’s needs and their well being is so much more important to me than anything else.
Then I come to the thought of moving.
I have thought about this often. Not that I live in a really terrible area. I am sure there are much worse places to live, but it just doesn’t feel peaceful and beautiful here. We have always dreamed of living somewhere with hills and trees and mountains. Someplace where we can enjoy all of the beauty God created. Do you ever get this feeling? Like maybe you are missing out?
But then again, all of our family is here. Would we regret making a move?
It’s a lot to think about and I’ll probably just continue to think about it and never actually do anything about it, but I am just wondering, does anyone else have thoughts like this, or am I the only one?
(Oh, and an update on my husband’s lump on his arm…He is fine! It is just a hematoma-I don’t know what it is with him and these things lately!-with calcium build up around it. Thank you everyone that was praying!)
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