We are desperately trying to get back into a routine. Getting up at 6am is hard on all of us, and I have cranky little boys about halfway through the day. They are doing pretty good though. We spent a lot of the day today trying to get everything ready for our soon to be 4 year old’s birthday party which is planned for Saturday. I think the rest of the week will probably be spent getting ready for the party. He is Super excited about his Super Why party! When asked what he wants for his birthday he says Super Why costume, Super Why toys, Super Why pen, anything Super Why! He is such a silly boy! He hates to wear clothes. I will dress him for the day and as soon as he goes to the bathroom he strips his clothes off and comes out in nothing but his underwear. However, he is always trying to make a cape out of bath towels and runs through the house saying Super Why to the rescue! It’s so cute!
I had a hair appointment tonight, which was much needed and way past due. As I’m driving the kids over to my in law’s house to meet my hubby I look in my rear view mirror and see my 6 year old bouncing around in his seat and bobbing his head back and forth. Silly boy! The boys got a few Kidz Bop cds a while back when they were giving them away in the McDonald’s happy meals, and we were listening to one today. It’s so cute to watch kids sing and dance! My boys really love music, and I hope to encourage them throughout their lives to learn to play instruments and continue to love music. I think it’s great when kids get involved in something.
Our oldest child made me so proud…as always. He is such a good boy! However, he is a boy, so I didn’t say he isn’t ornery as well…ha ha! The boys came home from school yesterday and our Kindergartner was telling us all about his first day of school and the fun bus ride. He said that his friend sat with him on the bus on the way to school like they had planned, but on the way home from school his friend sat with a little girl, so he was really upset and didn’t want to sit all alone. Our older son saw that the friend walked past his brother and sat with someone else, so he got up and sat with his brother! I was so proud! He could have just stayed in the seat with his friends, but he took the time to be NICE to his brother. Gotta love brotherly love!
I’m going to leave it at that for tonight. I’m so tired and I want to share some random pics with you all that I took by the lake the other night and a few tonight on our way home from the in laws.
Thanks for continuing to read! The Nursing Cover Giveaway has ended, but you can still sign up to win the FREE pair of SEE KAI RUN shoes until Sept. 1!!! Also, I plan to post a new review/giveaway within the next few days so be on the lookout!