I feel I owe it to my readers to come clean about my The Food Lovers Fat Loss System. I embarked on a personal journey to lose weight and gain back my self esteem. My journey began last year in June (June 18, 2012 to be exact). I would love to say that it was easy, I did everything right just like I was supposed to and the weight just fell off, but then I would not only be lying to you, but I would also be lying to myself. So, today I’m going to explain exactly how my journey went and where I am on that journey today.
My journey was to be a 6 month weight loss regimen. That was what I had signed up and committed to, and I was determined to still be standing tall (and lean) at the end of the journey. It was a tough six months, but with determination and the mindset to make this work (and there was a $10,000 prize on the line—now, THAT’s motivation) I stuck it out, I lost a LOT of weight, 31 pounds to be exact, and I started to feel really good about myself. Now, if you know me well, you may not have known that I didn’t have a lot of self confidence, but I was really good at hiding it. I was good at hiding the weight too. I often wore shrugs and loose fitting shirts in hopes that no one would notice the rolls around my midsection. I was so embarrassed of my BEFORE photo that I almost didn’t post it, but I knew I had to, it was all part of the journey. After a couple of months dieting and counting calories, I was starting to feel better, and more confident, about showing off my photos. I was actually starting to see progress! By the time the end of the program came, I was feeling great and very confident.
So, what happened and why am I here today posting about coming clean?
What happened was, I deprived myself of things that I loved for 6 months. I was given free products to try and when the program ended I could no longer afford the products. As a mom of 5 children I have to weigh the importance of things. While my weight loss and feeling good about myself is important, it simply does not fit into our budget right now. I wish I could say different, however I want to be honest, and I’m sure some of you can relate.
When the diet ended, I won’t lie, I was bummed that I didn’t place in any of the top categories. However, at first this made me determined to try harder and to get to where I wanted to be, but then without the tools/products I was stuck. I had given up the foods I loved for so long and was so used to eating shakes and meal bars that I really just didn’t know where to go from here. Yeah, I knew I could start counting calories, but that’s a lot of work and between raising my 5 children, working and keeping up with 2 blogs and housework, I simply didn’t feel I had the time. So, what I did was I ate. I ate the foods I missed and I started to put the pounds back on…12 to be exact.
As I was looking into the mirror the other day, I realized that this is not who I want to be. I want to be the confident girl that is proud of the way she looks and inspires others, and that is why I am embarking on a new journey.
It all starts over RIGHT HERE, right now!
My new journey is to become the ME that I want to be! In just a few days I will be starting The Food Lovers Fat Loss System. What inspired me about this program is that it is everything I want in a weight loss program. I can still eat my favorite meals, while reducing my waistline every single week! Sounds pretty great, right?
This is not a diet, it is an EATING program where you use food to lose fat. I don’t know about you, but I like the sound of that. No starving, no special “diet” foods, no counting calories (who has the time for that anyway)? With this program you will learn the simple scientific truths that make fat loss easy. You will learn how to eat all the foods you love in a way that causes your body to lose weight rather than gain it. Yay!
I am taking the 21 Day Metabolism Makeover and I hope you will follow me on this exciting new journey! (My new BEFORE photos will be coming soon!)
Did I mention there are no monthly products to purchase and the kit I received is surprisingly affordable? There are 3 options you can choose from. For more information visit www.MyFoodLovers.com
Great post! It is so true about the “programs” they are just too expensive to keep up with!
Good luck hope you get to where you want to be. It is so hard. =)
Good luck! Weight loss is hard but you could do it!!
Best of luck with your new program. Can’t wait to read more about using food to loose weight!
You can do it! It is hard, but with enough determination it can be done! I need to lose weight badly, and all the programs cost way too much so I am having to find another way.
Good luck! I’ll be interested in learning how this program works for you.
Sounds like a great program! It is so hard to lose weight and keep it off. When I was younger I got extremely heavy, and lost over 80 lbs by the time I was 16. Then when I got diagnosed with depression and bi-polar ( and a bunch of other stuff) they put me on a ton of prescription medicines. I had gained 90 lbs in about 6 months. I hadn’t really cared for a while, but then when I kept gaining, even while trying to diet, I knew something was wrong.
So I went back to my doctor, and he did some blood tests. It turns out my thyroid levels were WAY off (He said it was unbalanced because my dep. meds were throwing everything off.)
So he put me on (Thyroxine?) and then I started a 10 month journey on Nutrisystem. I lost close to 60 lbs. I did good for a while, but have since quit taking the Thyroxine. Now I’m up about 20-25 lbs, and trying to find a balance for myself. I decided I didn’t want to be on any medications for anything – So I’m just looking for that right food balance to get me where I need to be again. I’m sure you can do it, and if it works out for you, I may give it a go too. We’ll see!
Good luck, and I can’t wait to follow your journey!
I was the same way with Nutrisystem. I lost a ton of weight and less than a year later I had gained back nearly every pound. Those diets are great but very costly and then once you go back to eating normal again you end up right back where you started. Good luck with this!!
I wish you all the best in reaching your weight loss goal! Keep it up!
Thank you SO much!
Best of luck! I know how it feels. After 5 children and 3 c-sections, I wonder if I will ever be my old self again.
This post made me well up in tears! lol. I too, have struggled with my own weight loss. It’s such a terrible feeling to be unhappy with your image and how you feel about yourself. All best on your weight loss journey!! 🙂
Thanks so much Jen!
This sounds like a great program! I have three girls and they (and lots of gallons of ice cream!!!) has wrecked havoc on my body. I am slowly losing the weight and wish you the best!
You should still feel really proud of your accomplishment – 30 pounds plus is a significant loss! An eating program that involves real food is more realistic in the long run. I’m afraid there are no magic solutions at the end of the day. Best of luck to you going forward!
I hope you succeed.. I saw many bloggers get the free meal plan for 6 months, a year and beyond and could only think ‘what happens when the free ride ends?’ I know I could never afford the amount that was sent to you all to try, I saw almost all of you lose a bunch of weight!
am glad you are trying to get back on track and I hope you can do it!
Thanks Ellen! I actually just started back on the shakes again. I don’t do the full plan, but it’s the only thing that has helped me lose weight in a long time. I think it’s because I know it works and it’s easy for me. Being a Mom of 5 (and super busy) it’s hard to do something that takes a lot of time and focus—sad excuse, right?
Diets are hard to follow and it’s a life long problem. Good Luck.
Thank you do much, this has some great information. I originally lost 150 pounds and in the pastvtwo years gave birth twice. And ive gained 80 pounds back and I’m having the hardest time losing it