Well today was a pretty busy day for us for a Monday. Normally I like to sit around in the morning and sip coffee and watch the news. You know, catch up on all of the craziness that went on over the weekend like huge balloons floating over cities with millions of people worrying about the safety of a little boy that may or may not be inside or have fallen from the balloon. How crazy was that?
Anyways, this morning I did manage to get a cup of coffee in, but I did not get to sit around and relax. Once I had finished my first cup of coffee I had to get everyone ready and head out the door. We had to run the check for our vehicle to the bank (which was about a half hour away.) We decided to try to find a few car lots while we were out as well. The only problem was that we were in a town that we are not real familiar with. So after driving around for a couple of hours (we did find a few car lots, but nothing we were interested in) we arrived home. All of the kids had fallen asleep after about the 3 wrong turn! But before they all fell asleep my 4 year old sees an older looking lady with with long gray hair. She is wearing black pants and a black top. He is so funny because as soon as he saw her he yells “Mommy, Mommy a witch!” I’m like a witch? where? He says “Over there Mommy” and points at the lady! Kids! I guess if you really think about it she had long gray hair and was wearing all black, however she did not have a pointy hat on. He said she probably just left it in her car. When I asked why she was getting into a car he said that it was probably too windy for her broom! Ha ha! The things they come up with!
One more thing before I go on about my day of cooking, cleaning and homework…
Last year my (now)6 year old and (now)9 year old had to fill out a paper for me at school for Mother’s Day. When they came home with these papers I cracked up! Here are their answers…
9 Year Old’s About My Mom Paper…
Her favorite ice cream flavor is- chocklate
Her favorite meal to prepare is- spegety
Her favorite restaurant-Sonic
Her weight- 105 (He LOVES ME!!!)
Her eye color- blue
Her best friend- Her sister
Something she does well- shop (ha ha!)
Her usual bedtime- 9:00 (Only when I’m pregnant…ha ha!)
Now these were boxes that they could check. Here are the ones he checked…
My Mom is..
An Indoor Person
A Jolly Person
A Terrific Cook
An Athletic Person
A “Hold-Your Ears” Singer (Ha ha! Really, do I sing that bad son?)
A Blue Jeans Person
Here is what my (now)6 year old had to say about me last year…
What does your Mom do?
She cleans up the house and helps with her garden (what garden? I don’t have a garden. ha ha!) She takes care of the dog.
How old is your Mom? 70 (Really? 70? Geesh! At least his brother said I weigh 105, right? ha ha!)
What is her favorite color? Pink
What is her favorite food? Strawberries
What is her favorite movie? House
How many brothers and sisters does she have? 2 brothers (Actually I have 3 sisters and 2 brothers. I guess he forgot about the rest of them. ha ha!)
Where does she like to take you for fun? Chuck E Cheeses and McDonalds
What message do you want to send her for Mother’s Day? I Love You! (How sweet, so he does love me!)
So when we saw these my hubby decided to sit my (now)4 year old down and ask him a few questions about Mommy, and here are his answers…
What is your Mommy’s name? Mommy
What does she do? Talk on the phone sometimes, nurse my baby brother a lot, go to Wal-Mart (funny when asked what Mommy does what they come up with!)
How old is she? 50 (Well I guess this is a little better than his brother’s answer, but c’mon, 50? Really?)
What is her favorite color? pink
What is her favorite food? Chocolate bars (Well he’s got that right! ha ha!)
What is her favorite movie? American Idol
How many brothers and sisters does she have? 3 (he’s getting closer!)
Where does she like to take you for fun? McDonalds and the playset at Menards…ha ha!