Have you all seen all of the great giveaways I have to offer right now? Most of these will end before Christmas too, so be sure to sign up for a fun gift for yourself or a friend or family member! ๐
I have been super busy around here. So much to do and so little time! I feel that I have really been neglecting my blog. I promise that if you comment I will still comment back! It just may take me a little longer. I had all intentions yesterday to sit down and post a nice little update on my family, but then I got started with the contests and by the time I was done with all of them my little guy was awake and I had so much around here that needed my attention. It’s ok though, b/c I’m here now!
The boys are all doing so very well! I had the last of our parent teacher conferences today. This one was for my preschooler, so nothing major. He is doing fine, so we have no worries. He does have a few fine motor skill issues that we need to work out, but that comes with age. We are going to start using play dough more…yay! We love play dough! Every child is so very different. Our oldest is a very smart little boy (all of our children are) but our oldest we actually had tested and he did very well. Our oldest had some problems with his motor skills when he was younger as well. He could write his name fine and cut fine, but his teachers were always telling me there was something with his motor skills. I wasn’t sure what to think of it because it wasn’t something I really noticed, but after a while I did realize what they were saying. However, after talking with a specialist they came to the conclusion that his motor skills were fine, but he had some nervous habits. I definitely think our preschooler has some nervous habits as well, but I do agree with his teacher that we need to work on his motor skills. He is such a smart little boy too. He is spelling the names of everyone in our family as well as all of the basic colors. He can do basic preschool skills like say his abc’s and count as well. Our second child is doing very well this year as well. He was very shy in preschool and has really come out of his shell this year. As a matter of fact he has a ton of friends and even came home the other day and told me that a little girl in his class LOOOOOVVVVEESSSS him. (This is how he said it. It was so cute, but I am so in trouble! ha ha!)
Have you ever sat down and tried to figure out how your children will be as they grow? I have. I think my oldest is going to be very musically talented and very friendly. I think he’s the nice guy that people like because he is nice. My second child seems more like the little jock. He’s only 6 now but has a darn good spiral with the football. He can catch really good as well. He has the little bit longer straight blonde hair that is in right now with some of the boys, and apparently the little girlies must think he’s cuuuuttteeee. My 4 year old is a little hard to tell right now because he is so very shy. However, I think when he gets a little older he is going to be somewhat in-between his 2 older brothers. I’m not sure yet if he will play sports, but I can definitely see him doing something. Our 18 month old…well, if I had to say right now I would say he will be the class clown/trouble maker…ha ha! I know that will change though! He is just such a silly little boy and thinks he can do whatever his little heart desires. I guess we’ll just have to wait and see. I will love my boys no matter what they do though. ๐
Speaking of my boys…I STILL have not gotten that Christmas card pic! I have to say though that we have been pretty busy and I haven’t had a whole lot of time to try. I think I’ll get the boys round up now and give it a try.
Wish Me Luck!