The weekend is coming to an end and the boys will be starting school soon. They are starting to get excited, but at the same time I can tell they are a little nervous as well. Our Kindergartner is really excited about making new friends and riding the school bus. I’m so happy he is not scared because he attended preschool for 2 years and cried the first couple of days both years. He has really grown up a lot this past year though. I am a little saddened that my boys are growing up so fast!
Our 4th grader says that he doesn’t like school and doesn’t want to go back to school, but you can tell that he secretly is excited and can’t wait! He did finally admit tonight that it might not be so bad at first. He will actually be changing classes this year and will have 3 different teachers. I was pretty surprised when I heard this, but as I think about it I’m thinking it might not be such a bad idea. This may help so they do not get bored and tired of the lesson or the teacher.
My preschooler doesn’t start school until September, so I’ll post more about that later. He is turning 4 on the 31st and we are throwing him a Super Why birthday party! We were not able to find Super Why decorations and so forth, but we came across a lady that makes great cakes and she offered to try to make us a Super Why cake even though she had never heard of it before she googled it. 🙂 The party is Saturday, so I’ll post more about that later too.
I have to share a cute little story that I got a good laugh at the other day.
We were playing outside the other day. There were 8 kids total playing, and they were all running around the yard and swinging on the swing set and so forth. Anyways, my oldest comes running up to me and says a dog pooped in the playhouse, but don’t worry because my brother cleaned it up with a shovel! At first I’m a little shocked that a dog could have gotten into the playhouse to poopie and why would it do that to begin with, but I figure if they said it happened it probably did. As I’m getting ready to go check things out and make sure it’s all cleaned up my oldest comes running back over to me saying, “never mind, a dog didn’t poop in the playhouse.” So, at this point I’m a little confused as to why he would tell me this and then change his mind about it because he really isn’t one to tell lies. But, before I could ask he says…”The little boy that is here (he is potty training) had to go potty, so he went into the little house and he couldn’t find a bathroom, so he pulled his pants down and pooped in the corner!” I was shocked, but could not keep from giving a little chuckle. Here is a pic of the playhouse (it does look like a little house, and if you are under 3 years old you might go in there looking for a potty…ha ha!)
Veronica Lee says
Elizabeth says
Helene says
blueskyhi says
Mom of Three says
Little Miss Muffins Cakes! says
maroon skye says
Molly says
The girl with the flour in her hair says
Mama Karebare says
Genny says
shraddha/april@theselfloveproject says
Vicki says
natalee says
~MommyOfManyFaces~ says
yonca says
Stephanie P. says
Staci says
LZ @ My Messy Paradise says
Margaret says
Neva Campbell says
Bobbi Janay says