Have you ever just sat and wondered where your life is going? No seriously, I don’t mean contemplating this or that for the day, or trying to figure out what your plans are for the rest of the week. Have you ever just sat down and looked at your life as a whole…all of the good and the bad that has happened and really taken it in?
I have.
As a matter of fact, I’m starting to see why God has led me down paths in the past that I was not pleased about. I don’t always see the reasoning in the moment, and sometimes it takes quite a few years before I ever fully understand it, and some things I still don’t understand. I know His plan is what’s best for our lives…I just wish I could quit trying to stand in the way all of the time.
But ah, He allows us to make mistakes (just as our parents allowed us to make mistakes and learn on our own).
I’m learning all right. Are you?
Do you find yourself making the same mistakes over and over again, or are you learning from those mistakes and turning onto a different path? Maybe it’s one you never thought you’d walk down? Maybe you’re doing something that is totally out of the norm for you? Are you pushing yourself?
I often laugh because I feel like God is really pushy sometimes. Yeah, I just said that. Let me explain….
It’s like He is telling me to do things that are totally out of my comfort zone. I know that I have a choice and I know that I can always choose the road more traveled (the easier option), but let me tell you…when I choose to step out of my comfort zone—WOW! Great things start to happen and I feel great about myself! My confidence soars when I reach a goal that I thought was not reachable. You get what I’m saying?
Let me give you a few examples in my life…
(I’ve told this story before, so I’m sorry if it feels like a repeat, but it’s very important in my life).
I heard about a local private school that had been around for years, but I never even knew existed. My family was content, but I could not stop thinking about this school. My husband wasn’t keen on switching our children’s schools, but he obliged and toured the school with me (mind you, this is after MONTHS of not being able to get it off of my mind–even though I REALLY wanted to!) After touring the school we just KNEW it was where our children were to attend, so we enrolled them for the following school year. The first year I volunteered and helped out quite a bit, the second year I was working full time doing things I would have never imagined I would be doing (Finances, Fundraising, Secretary work…etc.) We even moved to be closer to the school since our old home was almost a 30 minute drive one way.
And then something changed…
And I felt like God was leading us someplace else. I was confused and I tried to fight it, but we all know how well that goes. After months of confusion I knew exactly what it was that I had to do, and so this year we started homeschooling. It was sort of complicated how it all worked out though. My husband got a new job (which has been a total blessing to our family as he was traveling and gone all of the time, and now he is home every night!) When he found out he was getting the job we thought we were going to have to move because it was in the neighboring state. The fact that we were moving made my decision to homeschool so much easier. We had someone come to us and ask to buy our house and everything. So…the house is under contract, the job is starting, and I’m ordering homeschool curriculum….everything is great, right? Well, you’d think, but then there was another twist.
The sale on the house fell through.
While it sounds like a big deal, the very NEXT day my husband’s boss called to inform him that they would be changing his territory. He was now going to have some of our state and some of our neighboring state. It was such a blessing!
I know I’ve written about this before, but I really just can’t get over how God works. Just when we start to doubt…He works it all out. Of course, He’s already got it all worked out before we even know there’s a problem.
Now we are living in the hometown my husband grew up in. We wouldn’t have moved back here had we not started going to the private school, but are happy here and we are closer to family and friends. We are also homeschooling, and I believe I wouldn’t have had the confidence or knowledge to homeschool had we not gone to the private school. I now see the stepping stones that got us to where we are.
I can’t wait to see how the rest unfolds.
More to Come on Raising My 5 Sons…
Yes, I agree that God has a plan and is in control. I’ve been really thinking about my life lately and figuring how where I want to go from here.