I just wanted to let you all know that I am not giving up on you all, nor will I ever find that there is a time when I don’t have anything to write about. When you have 5 boys, there is always something to write about, however when you have 5 boys there is always something to do too! We have been remodeling a house that we bought in town. It’s a 4 bedroom, 2 bath house and it needed a makeover from head to toe (I’m talking wiring, plumbing, roof, windows, furnace, flooring, whole new kitchen…EVERYTHING!) While we did hire a little of the outside work (siding and windows) we have pretty much done everything inside ourselves, with the exception of the electrical and heating. It has been great family bonding time and we have even gotten to know some friends and family a little better when they came and helped out.
The plan was to have the house on the market by the beginning of March. That didn’t happen. We put a for sale sign in the yard and an ad in the paper for one week (a week ago.) We received some calls, but no showings. Let me back up a bit. We did show the house to 4 different couples before we actually had it “for sale” and they all seemed interested. One couple decided it wasn’t quite as big as they wanted, 2 other couples were having some financing issues and the 4th couple has a house to sell and aren’t ready to list it yet. So, we are going to meet with the realtor tomorrow and the house will officially be on the market! We are so excited and can’t wait to hear what people think about it. We have put so much time and sweat into this house.
Now, that’s not all that we have going on. We are also remodeling our house that we live in, although we haven’t had the time to get a whole lot done here lately since we have been spending almost all of our time at the investment property. We plan to start back up on our home this weekend and hope to have it on the market by the end of the month. We found a house that we really love and are hoping that it is in God’s plan for us and that everything works out the way it is supposed to. If things work out, we will be moving back to my hubby’s hometown, the boys will be going to private school and we will have land for them to run on! If it doesn’t work out, then we will just pray that something comes up and eventually it will work out.
In the meantime, I sadly don’t have the time to post the funny stories my boys tell me, or the funny things they do, however I will be back in full swing with all of those funny stories in no time at all–hopefully by summer!
Thanks for sticking with me through all of these transitions and continuing to check out my blog.
We always have something new, and there will be more great giveaways coming up!
More to Come on Raising My 5 Sons…
I have lived thru a reodeling/renovating of a house while living there (w/5 boys as well). People sometimes don’t understand how stressful it can be but if you can get thru it with your sense of humor intact, you can get thru ANYTHING! hope the investment sells fast–good luck!
I definitely agree. Thanks!
Best wishes to you and your family! Your readers won’t give up on you!
Thanks so much!
I hate living in a remodeling job–it makes me crazy–maybe crazier than I already am– My husband tries to have done while I go to visit family during my vacations with my cousins–bless his heart. But sometimes– They are exactly what I want–lol my fault for not being there to over see things–but he know how I am with all the dirt and junk laying around– I totally feel for you.
Thanks, it’s definitely not easy, but hopefully will all be worth it in the end.
Remodeling is crazy enough with no kids – you have a special place in heaven for doing all that with your family!
Thank you so much!
WOW remolding not one house but two and with 5 boys you deserve a medal and I hope you get one. I will Pray that you are able to get the new house and that the investment property sells fast. I will miss you but I will look for you in the summer as I can understand taking some time off as I was thinking of that too.
Don’t worry, I’m not actually going anywhere, and while a break might help, I can’t find myself stepping away from the blog for more than a day or two.
Good luck to you!